7 Best Places to Surf in September – All Around the World

We arrived in the last month of summer. Do you want to know which are the best places to surf in September? Stay with us, because we collected the 7 most recommended places by surfers in this article.

This is Zoltan, I am a beginner, but I love to travel. I have spent the past 9 hours searching the Internet to find the best recommended surfing destinations and to help all of you.

Hopefully, you will find this short guide useful.

So, Let’s Dive into the Best Places to Surf in September

1. Taghazout, Marocco

Morocco is a favourite spot for surfers. The country offers waves all year round that suit everyone, from beginners to experts. It’s not too expensive, and there are special places to learn surfing. Besides the waves, the weather is usually sunny and warm. What makes Morocco even more special is its beautiful culture.

Taghazout marocco surfing

You can walk through ancient cities, eat delicious food, and see stunning views of big mountains and the desert. It’s also close to countries in Europe, making it easy for travellers. Plus, there are other fun things to do like riding camels and trying yoga.

In simple words, Morocco has great beaches, fun waves, and lots of exciting things to see and do. It’s a place where you can surf, explore, and learn about a unique culture.

2. Portugal

The South European country is still one of the best destinations to go to. Peniche is definitely the best place to go in Portugal. We can also see interest in other parts of the country like Apúlia in the north, Praia Areia Branca and Maceda. It is quite a lot to enjoy!

peniche portugal surfing destination

As we can see in the photo it is a beautiful spot, some surfing camps are still operating during this month. The weather is still perfect, so why don’t you put it on your bucket list?

3. Canary Islands, Spain

You can choose any of the Spanish Canary Islands: Tenerife, Fuerteventura, Gran Canaria you won’t be disappointed. The weather and the temperature are still amazing for an early autumn holiday. From the U.K. the islands are still one of the best destinations. You can very easily rent surfing equipment, a bicycle or a car.

suances spain cantabria surfing

However, if you are considering a cheaper destination, we would recommend the North of Spain. This little place called Suances near Santander in Cantabria has still some juicy waves, good temperature and Sangria. You can find nearby surf camps and teachers, and the beach is still popular.

4. Costa Rica

Surfing in Costa Rica in September has its perks. Despite being the rainy season, the month offers consistent swells. Especially on the Pacific coast. A major advantage is the fewer crowds, which means popular surf spots are more accessible and less congested. This off-peak tourist time often results in lower prices for accommodations and services.

costa rica surfing spots

The landscape during this month is lush and green, enriching the surfing ambience. Warm ocean temperatures usually negate the need for wetsuits. Plus, the vibrant rainforests increase the chances of witnessing diverse wildlife. If you prefer different surf conditions Costa Rica is an amazing alternative.

5. Bali, Indonesia

One of the best places to surf in September is Indonesia. That is a surfer’s paradise. Indonesia experiences its dry season during this month, which makes it an ideal time for surfing. Bali is one of the most popular islands. Spots like Uluwatu and Padang Padang offer clean, powerful waves. The Mentawai Islands are another hotspot, known for their crystal-clear waters and perfect breaks.

bali surfing spots

Water temperatures are warm, eliminating the need for wetsuits. The offshore winds contribute to the formation of well-shaped waves suitable for all levels of surfers. While some spots can get crowded the vast number of islands and breaks ensure that you can always find a less populated wave to ride.

6. United Kingdom

There are plenty of places you can go to in the United Kingdom. Some of the best spots are Cornwall, North of Scotland and Wales.

cornwall united kingdom surfing

Cornwall is the most popular place in the United Kingdom with many local surfers going there. I know, it is not your best warm-temperature surf destination, but it is still a place to consider.

7. Zanzibar, Tanzania

Who would have thought that? Most of the surfing guides probably would miss this paradise. Zanzibar is a group of islands near Tanzania. It’s a beautiful place with blue waters and nice beaches. September is a good time for surfing because the ocean has good waves. The water is clear, which is also great for looking at fish underwater.

zanzibar tanzania surfing

The weather is warm and sunny during the day, but a bit cooler at night. It’s not too crowded this month, so it’s a calm and peaceful place. Zanzibar has different kinds of food, music, and buildings because of its mix of cultures. So, if you visit Zanzibar in September, you can enjoy surfing, good weather and learn about its special culture.

A Few Surfing Tips:

  • Stay Updated: Before you hit those waves, check the local surf reports. The sea’s a wild one, and it’s always good to know what she’s up to on the day you’re heading out. You wouldn’t want to miss out on some rad waves or, worse, get caught in a rough spot.
  • Safety’s Cool: Just a heads-up for my fellow rookies: choose your surf spot wisely. If you’re just starting out or trying a new place, consider grabbing a lesson or teaming up with a local who knows the ropes. They’ve got the inside scoop on where to go, what to watch out for, and how to catch the best waves.
  • Love the Beach, Leave No Trace: We all adore these surf spots, right? Let’s keep them pristine! Pick up after yourself, be mindful of the local critters, and treat the place like you’d want others to treat your home turf. Our surfing playgrounds deserve some love and respect.

Last Words

So there you have it! From Morocco’s sunny coasts to the cool waves of the UK, September is jam-packed with surfing potential. Whether you’re in it for the thrill, the chill, or just the beach vibes, these places won’t disappoint. Grab your board, and I’ll see you out there! 🏄‍♂️🌊 Cheers and safe surfing!

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